Star Trek: Picard: Maps and Legends (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Stellar cartography
4 February 2020
Despite the rather abrupt ending, I again enjoyed this episode of "Picard" and the show appears at this stage to be shaping up nicely.

Convinced that Romulan Black Ops are responsible for the destruction of Dahj, Picard (Patrick Stewart) attempts to convince Starfleet to grant him command of a small ship, to continue his investigation off world. Starfleet are unwilling to grant his request, initially because of his scathing comments in the interview last week, however, the reasons for denying him may appear to be more sinister than that. Meanwhile, on the decommissioned Borg ship, Dahj's "sister" Soji (Isa Briones) has gotten close to the secretive Narek (Harry Treadaway).

What I think I like about this series is that it appears, at this stage at least, to have a specific story to tell. I like the idea of short form stories within the Star Trek Universe that can work alongside something like "Discovery" which is more of an open ended experience. I might, I accept, be giving the producers too much credit for trying to do something novel with the storytelling, when the decision has more to do with the fact the irreplaceable star of the show is about to be 80 years old. At the moment though, it feels like it's a story working towards an ending.

I do like the little bits that humanise (for the want of a better word) the characters in Star Fleet more that has been done in previous series. The joke on Borg ship about the number of days since assimilation made me laugh and the little view of Martian life prior to the attack was interesting. (Why would replicators replicate bad food?) Some scenes were less successful though, in particular the crime recreation stuff in Dahj's apartment, which I felt was all needlessly complicated. Rather than some fancy Romulan tech, that then doesn't work properly . . .wouldn't it have been more straightforward for the cleanup team to just have missed some calls on the computer?

Still, minor quibbles aside. It looks great and the intrigue is building. Roll on next week.
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