The Streets of San Francisco: Dead Lift (1977)
Season 5, Episode 20
My favorite of the show
4 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I usually avoid this show, where there is never any violence, with smooth endings without bloodshed, only to please family audiences. But here, as an ex bodybuilder, I made an exception and watched this episode, with Schwarzy in his early days of career, with great attention. In this era, he was still competing in the big arena of bodybuilding. As he is shown here, he was in his off season shape, that means he was not that huge and he was also a bit smooth. But believe me, as he approached closer to the competition,he suddenly grew bigger and bigger whilst getting ripped to the bone, with his body a sharp as an anatomic chart. So this episode is interesting because he shows how bodybuilding was watched from the large audiences. The sport was still rather unknown at this period, and the episode will certainly not get things better. Arnold Schwarzenegger is shown as a freak, a monster, a lunatic one, and the sequence at the beginning where a lonely woman invites him - a stranger for her - at her apartment is totally lousy. And the scene where he throws her on a coach and, only with this gesture, kills her, is also absolutely unbelievable. But this time, for once, the smooth ending was touching, when Malden refused to put the hand cuffs to the suspect, because he trusted him.
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