Star Trek: Picard: The End Is the Beginning (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Oh man this is the worst episode yet. Were we all wrong? Was the first episode just a dupe?
6 February 2020
It took STTNG several seasons to hit its stride. I hope 'Picard' is able to last long enough to work out these problems. I worry that this show is so expensive they'll pull the plug if ratings drop.

This episode of 'Picard' was bad, but not as bad as some of those first-season TNG episodes. (And even most of the second season and quite a bit of the third.)

In this episode we've got horrible human dialogue. Truly awkward at times. The most laughable moment is when the captain is sitting with a cartoonishly-jagged shard of metal in his shoulder! And he's not even sweating? Where did this thing come from?? And he puts on his shirt over the ridiculously fake blood?

And showing a character smoking drugs! For shame Star Trek! Straighten up and fly right please.
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