Review of White Nights

White Nights (1957)
A Romance as Cold as a Rainy City Night
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
(Flash Review)

The film's harsh, rugged and stone city environment reflects and foreshadows the blossoming romance. A man meets a young woman on the street at night by chance because the woman is crying by herself. Why is she crying? They strike up a friendship. She tells this man about another man she fell in love with who has left her for a year without any communication yet claims he'll return therefore she cries at the same spot every night when he, again, fails to return. This helpful chap says he'll help get communication to her lost love but he also had the hots for her. Will he do the honorable thing by helping her out or will jealousy take hold? Will the original man ever return to meet her at that spot as he claimed? This is pure mid-century Italian style with rich blacks and whites with striking shot framing and the story progresses with the ebbs and flows of the three main character's emotions. The cinematography is outstanding, the story compelling and the pacing is effective for this type of film.
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