The Witnesses (2020)
Good Doc On JW's
11 February 2020
Firstly. Ignore RobMurphy review, he is probably a JW. Google the Australian Commision into JWs. Nobody really cares about the JWs. It's generally ex JWs who have seen the religion for what it is or have been abused that have an axe to grind. Others don't give a toss about them. If you want in depth look into the religion check out John Cedars on YouTube, an excellent source. Do what you want but don't cover up or fail to report child abuse, which it has been proved time and time again they do.

They have the two witness rule and now (only just changed) they will report it if required by law, for example I think in the UK you do not need to report by law or at least in a lot of states in The US.

Personally it is an appalling religion, notbthe people but the organisation at the highest levels teaching nonesense, controlling members, shunning, children dying due to refusing blood donations and applauded for doing so.

RobMurphy - Bugger Off
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