Road To Damascus?
14 February 2020
The turning of the corner that I felt might have happened last week bears out here with the first episode of "Avenue 5" that I'd describe as being "good".

Having learned that is "crew" is as much of a fraud as he is, Captain Clark (Hugh Laurie) sets about winning over his actual crew, this comes at an important moment in the ships maintenance cycle though. Meanwhile, Herman Judd (Josh Gad) tries to appease the passengers concerns with a host of intimate gatherings in his personal cabin.

So I laughed at this a few times. I feel like a finally a few of the characters are settling into who they are supposed to be. Captain Clark, finally feels amiable and though he knows his limitations, sees that he has a part to play in making sure the ship continues to function. He's the character that I appreciate spending time with and this episode felt the most about him. Only one quick detour back to mission control which wasn't up to much and a couple of scenes with the married couple which again, substitutes shouting for wit.

I write this review on the morning that "Avenue 5" has been picked up for a second season and it's interesting that I feel relatively positive about that, whereas just two episodes ago I was on the cusp of dumping it. There's still room for improvement though.
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