Most if not all viewers of this brief cartoon will be left wondering . . .
15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . "But what if the thunderstorm's lightning strikes the giant lightning rod umbrella twirling Betty's building in the sky?" Those exposed to GRAMPY'S INDOOR OUTING have every right to be shocked, perplexed and totally flabbergasted by the title character's felonious assault upon Public Order. This senile delinquent's Second Childhood comes with a desperate need to show off, no matter who gets hurt. In order to give his and Betty B.'s love child a few moments of passing pleasure, he subjects the other 198 residents of a five-story apartment house to unannounced nausea-inducing bouts of vertigo by spinning their drastically elevated rental units as if they were his Own Private Potato Hoe. Worse yet, he mangles all of their fire escapes into rollercoaster rails, so that his illicit son "Junior" can play a being a "Peeping Tom" as he zips by dozens of his neighbor's bathroom windows! Seldom has selfish Pachyderm Party Perversity been demonstrated more clearly than in GRAMPY'S INDOOR OUTING!
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