Vera: The Escape Turn (2020)
Season 10, Episode 4
The Escape Turn
16 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alun Wilmott who an online betting tycoon is killed in a suspected burglary in front of his wife and daughter. The robbers escape with some cash and jewellery.

Vera soon discovers that this is more than just a robbery gone wrong. Wilmott's firm was subject to a hostile takeover bid, they had also been dealing with extortion by cybercriminals. He had even hired a private detective to follow his wife who he suspected of having an affair but she had secretly been going to AA meetings.

The suspects really pile up here. At first it is regarded as being an inside job, the private security firm that carried out patrols around the affluent housing estate comes under suspicion. Then there are problem gamblers encouraged to get in debt by Wilmot's company. One problem gambler turns up dead and Vera knows someone is trying to cover their tracks.

The episode really goes off with a startling bang and it does try to wrongly signpost the viewer. As with these things, a shot on someone innocuous for just a second or two too long gives a strong hint. A line spoken by another person might have tipped off Vera.

I did find this lulling in the middle before lashings of more suspects are added. It should had been obvious to Vera who was behind the cyber attack.
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