Perry Mason: The Case of the Prodigal Parent (1958)
Season 1, Episode 36
To Determine the Truth and Prosecute the Guilty
19 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Opening scene has the annoying founder's son, Phillip Larkin, hitting on employee Lorraine Stevens in the Larkin office. The couple once dated but the relationship was stopped by Lorraine, furthermore, she does not want anything to do with him. Larkin's secretary, Irene Collaro, witnesses the confrontation while in plain sight of both; Lorraine leaves for the day running an errand for someone in the office while Irene returns to her office.

Joseph Harrison drops into his former home to see his ex-wife, Ethel, noticing a dead man lying on the floor; the deceased is Harrison's step-son. Harrison is accused of the murder due to his fingerprints left from inadvertently touching the gun case when he first saw the body. Mr. Harrison's former secretary, Irene Collaro, had taken 16mm-film of the former married couple, showing Joseph slugging the deceased, i.e. Phillip Larkin. Tragg found the film at the Larkin home, throwing further suspicion on Joseph Harrison, Perry's client, the defendant.

Burger has a victory grin after showing the film in court; he and Tragg think they have conclusive evidence to proceed to trial. After the film was shown, the judge adjourns until 9:30 the following morning when he will decide to admit this video into evidence; meanwhile, Perry meets with Joseph Harrison, discussing the film's existence, curious he never saw fit to mention it before, refusing to say who held the camera. Perry admonishes Harrison for not revealing these facts, stating the answers could cost him his life.

Perry, Paul and Della are in Mason's office discussing tomorrow's preliminary trial with no Mrs. Harrison. Perry states Lorraine was sent to the jewelry store by the killer in order to get away from the Harrison house; she is the only one on this case who has an alibi since Paul corroborates she was at the jewelry store at nine PM. Claire Durell calls Perry's office not wanting to give her name but informing Mason where Ethel Harrison is hiding. Claire Durell is the wheelchair-bound wife, injured from accident by husband George Durrell when twenty-five years ago he drove his car into a truck; wife Claire believes George has eyes on Lorraine, creating a scene in the Larkin office and over the phone when Lorraine called to confirm the aforementioned package. George Durell worked at Larkin for many years, taking over after Phillip was killed. Irene told Lorraine about the accident and why George pays for it with guilt the rest of his life.

Mason visits Collaro's apartment, confronting Ethel based on his tip from Claire. Perry deduces it was Irene who held the camera filming the assault. Tragg enters, requesting Ethel come with him to the station and meet with the District Attorney. Note the exiting Perry Mason and the serious looking Lieutenant; their expressions are priceless revealing how expertly the two played their respective roles.

Perry meets George Durell with a letter Ethel Harrison gave him permitting the perusal of the company books, then Mason visits with Lorraine at her home where she insists there was nothing between George Durell and herself. She states Claire must have gotten the idea from the phone call made inquiring about the package at Alcorn Jewelers. Lorraine tells Mason someone had left a note on her desk to pick up a package at the jeweler; she discarded the note. Mr. Alcorn waited on Lorraine, finding no such package under any name prompting the phone call to the Durell residence.

After company founder Larkin died, Ethel Larkin was left the business; she let Joseph Harrison run the business. Phillip Larkin opposed Harrison outright, Joseph owned a similar business before marrying Ethel. Ethel Harrison meets with Mason wanting him to represent her ex-husband knowing he did not kill her son Phillip. Perry tells Della Mrs. Harrison is still in love with the man she divorced. Phillip Larkin was boss at Larkin Imports where he forces George Harrison out; Ethel divorced Joseph soon after Phillip accused him of being Miss Stevens' father.

In court, Burger puts Irene on the stand asking why Phillip Larkin provoked Joseph Harrison as she held the camera while filming the Harrisons. Burger has Irene explain Phillip accused Mr. Harrison of being the father of Lorraine Stevens. Mason cross-examines Irene getting her to confess to being Lorraine's mother. He also has her admit Joseph Harrison is Lorraine's father after the court reporter reads back her prior testimony quoting Irene saying they came to the firm I was working for. Perry insists Irene answer the question who came to the firm, who was it? Mason presses Irene preaching you've been protecting people all your life, haven't you Miss Collaro? Protecting Lorraine from Phillip Larkin, protecting her from society, her father from his responsibilities. Mr. Harrison was in process of setting up offices in various foreign cities according to Irene. They came to the firm I was working for in Paris. Who came Miss Collaro, who? Who came? Who, even now, is willing to see Joseph Harrison pay for a crime he didn't even commit? Perry is interrupted, you are right Mr. Mason, all her life Irene has protected someone. I killed Phillip Larkin. I felt I should do my own protecting for the daughter I couldn't call my own. Noticeable are tears in both Irene and Lorraine after George Durell confesses to the judge, he killed Larkin.

The case title comes from Perry's client returning to Los Angeles to see both his ex-wife and his estranged daughter. George Durell had no idea Joseph Harrison was going to return to Los Angeles. The prodigal parent is the defendant. Durell had Lorraine go to the jeweler permitting her an alibi not to be incriminated in Larkin's murder. It was not Durell's intention to incriminate Harrison, he just assumed he was 1,000 miles away. A winning episode with an unpredictable ending.
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