Great supernatural, scary story!
20 February 2020
After seeing some of the ratings and reviews here I was worried. Now that I've seen it, I feel compelled to write this review to balance all the lower ratings and negative reviews.This movie has nothing gross or shocking for fans of horror movies who need those things. The acting is good, and the horror is subtle, building the mood, creating dread, and ending with a great twist. I quickly loved the characters and their quirks. The use of the deaf psychic feels like an homage to Stephen King and the helpers he often has in his stories. The unique use of sign-language symbolized for me all the supernatural things around us that we can't easily communicate with. I was impressed with how empathetic the parents are with their son's difficulties and how well the parents work together, something I wish we could see more of in movies. I also liked that the tension in the story isn't within the family, it's between the family and the Evil Thing, where it belongs. This movie is simple and relatively short, but it has heart and a great sense of foreboding. I love how the last scene left me satisfied, but also felt like something Evil had given the audience a slow wink with a creepy smile. I won't look at a slim, bright red door the same way again... Well done.
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