Glimpses of Bangladeshi history
21 February 2020
It is one of the masterpieces of the great Bangladeshi director and story writer Zahir Raihan. The storyline is based on the historic movements took place before 1971, starting from 1952 ( language movement), for the independence of then East Pakistan.

This movie portrayed the Pakistani tyrant rulers in the form of a mother-in-law, who tries to suppress other family members in every way possible. She did not let others speak in any matter of the family and so, other members started movement against her in the house.

Briefly, this mother-in-law virtually represented the Pakistani tyrant rulers and the suppressed & agitated members of the family portrayed the then Bengal peneverho fought against the domination of West Pakistani rulers. In 1970 this movie was released and is claimed to be one of the best movies in Bangladesh. Before independence, Zahir Raihan aroused the people of Bengal by this movie, because he could clearly make understand people about the situation of then East Pakistan.

And now, even in 21st century , this movie reminds the Bangladeshi people of their legacy in 1971, and still recognized as one of the best movies in Bangla.

Finally, I would like to say, if you missed it, you can never imagine what a perfect entertainment based on reality you missed. So, happy watching!!
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