Terrible, even for a film billed as Family-friendly....
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, this movie was bad. And that's putting it lightly. I didn't expect much from this movie to begin with, but come on. Robert Rodriguez' Spy Kids franchise had more plot than this garbage sandwich. But, once again, billed towards kids. The plot was essentially this: Big tech company fires edgy dude, who steals his research into aliens or whatever the "Terra-Borgs" (as they are called later on in the film) are, and proceeds to test them on an unwitting community. Five outcasts/kids whose parents "don't understand them" band together after the grown-ups leave without notice. One of them just happens to be a tech wiz, and has created a slew of gadgets and weapons for whatever reason, which become instrumental in fighting the Terra-Borgs. The effects are forced, and it shows. I have a 5-year old sister who could see through it like its nothing (keep in mind though, this kid has seen "Bumblebee" and "Pacific Rim" multiple times) The "Adventure Force" line of products are barely present in the movie as gadgets, with only one of the actual "blasters" being based on the actual dart blasters, and is dubbed the "A$$ Zapper" early on in the movie. Seriously, if this film was supposed to be family-friendly, why is one of the main gadgets named with profanity in it. Not even the big water gun based blaster, that takes the spot of the main weapon that everyone rallies behind, is really based on any of the actual products. Wal-Mart/Great Value products are present in the film (Toys in a gas station and a bag of chips in one scene), but doesn't feel like forced advertising. Would I recommend this movie: NO Will I watch it again: NO Will I watch the possible sequel: Maybe. There is a chance for a sequel to redeem the first movie. Clean up some of the dialogue, make some weapons based on the actual blaster line, and you may have something worth watching....
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