Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's Jean-Luc Picard leading a rag-tag crew around the galaxy to rescue Data's "daughter".

And possibly unravel a conspiracy involving the Tal Shiar and the highest levels if Starfleet. Oh and maybe save the Galaxy in the process.

Throw in the most famous ex Borg Seven of Nine and some warrior nuns...

And you got total awesomeness. It's not exactly star trek as you know it. But hey this is about Picard as an ex-Starfleet officer and on a personal quest. It's kind of like they took TNG, DS9, VOY, add a dash of Firefly maybe and put that in the blender. The result is magnificent!

YOU MUST WATCH THIS SHOW. I find this so much better than Discovery! But if you are looking for something more old-school Trek...there's The Orville (another great show). ST PICARD is more like Trek with an attitude!
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