Washington: Rebel Commander (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Major Events Missing
25 February 2020
American Revolution 1765 to 1783

Why the Taxes, Tariffs?

Who's side were the Democrats.

Significance of the Failures of the "Constitutional Democracy" of the 1781 Articles of Confederation.

Causes of the 1786 to 1787 Democracy Rebellion and Shay's Rebellion. As the American Founding Father's real reasons to Eliminate, make Illegal Democracy, Constitutional Democracy by Eliminating the Constitutional Democracy of the 1781 Articles of Confederation by creating "a Republican Form of Government" of the U.S. Constitution and Amendments.

The 2nd Amendment

To make themselves even more wealthy, the Lord Governor Generals created the "Well Regulated" by the British Military British Prison Colonists Militia to defend and fight the French Colonists and their Allies of the American Indian Nations. And decreased the size of the British Military at their Colonies and sent them to other British Colonies that were in trouble as India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Arabia (Saudi Arabia), Aden (Yemen), Egypt, Sudan, etc., so the Lord Governor Generals at the British Prison Colonies of America had less British Military to pay, feed, house, and kept the money for themselves.

The Lord Governor Generals to make themselves even more wealthy added their own Taxes on top of the British King's Taxes, and caused the American Revolution.

When the British Democrats informed the Lord Governor Generals of a possible Rebellion, the First thing that was Ordered was to Disarm the "Well Regulated" British Prison Colonists Militias (today's U.S. States National Guard). Unarmed, unprotected, the British Prison Colonists then Protested and were massacred by the British Military. The surviving British Prison Colonists Militias were ordered to be arrested and executed. The British Prison Colonists Militias fled with the American Founding Fathers to Pennsylvania, being pursued by British Democrat Loyalists as Bounty Hunters, followed by British Mercenaries of Prussians and Hessians, then the British Military.

Individual British Prison Colonists that did not have their Firearms and Swords taken by British Lord Governor Generals like ancestor of Former U.S. President Clinton, as British Lord Governor General Henry Clinton, armed British Prison Colonists as Individuals fought the British Democrats, British Mercenaries, British Military at Concord and Lexington to stop the unarmed British Prison Colonists Militia members and the American Founding Father from being captured and executed. Knowing what happened is why the American Founding Fathers later wrote the 2nd Amendment, as two entities "Well Regulated Militias" that had been disarmed, and Individuals that fought at Concord and Lexington saving the American Founding Fathers.

Why the First Continental Army did not have Money, as what the Governors of each Colonies did.
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