Babylon Berlin (2017–2025)
Gripping stuff!!
26 February 2020
Despite the fact that my wife and I, she is German and I am English, live in Germany we never watch German TV. My wife says there is no comparison to what the UK produce which she considers superior to both German and US productions.

Having said that we are both riveted to Babylon Berlin, Berlin is a city we have been to on many occasions, spent her 65th birthday in the Adlon no less! We have just finished watching series one which has on Sky Atlantic, why is it just being shown when it's over 3 years old and currently on series four? Never mind.

I think this is the best German series I've ever seen, including 'Das Boot', okay I haven't watched many but my wife says this is better than anything she has ever seen on German TV. You can see the budget it high, the 20s' setting looks authentic with clothes and settings from that period, you can almost believe Berlin wasn't flattened in 1945. The music is wonderful, some of it, particularly the Bryan Ferry material is not of the period although they have tried to make it so, We both looked at each other when a barely recognisable 'Dance Away' came on and said 'Roxy Music'.

If you like 20s' period drama with a touch of gangsters and you haven't seen it do so, you won't be disappointed. I've heard there is dubbed version, probably for the US market who don't like to do subtitles. Avoid it if you can, I hate dubbed films.

Update - I have now seen all three series, I don't understand the negative reviews and I object to being accused of planting a false review. I also refute accusations that it is leftist propaganda. This is a fab series and I can't wait to see series four.
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