Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric: Part Three (1989)
Season 26, Episode 10
It's all a matter of faith.
26 February 2020
Millington is merciless as he condemms two Russian troops to death, but gets hold of a jar containing Fenric's poison, The Haemovores run riot.

Quite possibly this is the best episode of this four part serial. There is so much going on, there is plenty of action, and plenty of manus from the haemovores.

this is the episode where is truly does seem to come of age, when you compare her shirt too when she first started back in Dragonfire she is a character that has fully been developed. She began as a brash, angry young girl, but she is now reasoned, mature and demure, and even in love it seems.

Faith is put to the test here, with The Doctor, The Reverend Wainwright and Captain Sorin being tested.

Tomek Bork is excellent as Sorin, best of all is McCoy, who gives his very best performance as The Doctor, he is terrific, particularly in the scenes where he and Ace have conflict.

Brilliant episode. 10/10
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