On its surface, this may SEEM like a mundane hoofer flick . . .
27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . but upon closer examination SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT appears to offer more than initially meets the ear. Now that all of its dirt and dust has been cleared away, with scratches and rips patched (thanks to the 2002 restoration of SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT), a devious figure has emerged from the inscrutable background shadows of the grainy film stock to become perhaps the most important character of this entire movie. "Ito" creeps around on the periphery of the screen as a spider-like double agent, alternating between several dialects of American to employ the lingo best serving his diabolical aims at the moment. As SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT wraps up, Ito threatens to slink back to Japan with a treasure trove of inside dope concerning the USA's Movers and Shakers during an era when it's important to remember that "Jimmy Cagney" was an intimate of President Roosevelt. Clearly, Ito has something Top Secret up his sleeve, and it's not a Fitbit! Thanks to a legion of spies like him, Japan pulled off its infamous Pearl Harbor Sneak Attack shortly after SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT played in America's theaters! As they said at the time, loose Hollywood lips sink ships!
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