Not as bad as some people say, but not a 10
27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hate it when I read reviews of a movie, and some of them are 1s and 2s condemning it as total junk, while others are 9s and 10s, and filled with gushing praise - with nothing in between. I've been told that this is a sign of fake reviews, and it sure looks that way to me.

I enjoyed this movie. It held my interest throughout. Yes, it was low-budget, but I have no problem with that. Not every filmmaker gets a Hollywood blockbuster budget. It's interesting to see what they can do on a small amount of cash, and this one seemed to have a homeopathic amount.

I agree that this felt like a Twilight Zone episode, but I love TW, so that's a good thing. Filming it in B&W, along with the low budget, gave it the look of an old TV show. I kept wondering which of the familiar tropes would turn out to be the final reveal. Would they turn out to be not on Earth? Did they do a bit of time-traveling? (But I was thinking far future, long after humanity had destroyed itself.) Were they Dead All Along? (I still have no idea how anyone could have survived the crash.)

The one thing I really didn't like was when one of the characters started acting hostile and paranoid, eventually becoming delusional and murderous. Could we have one story about people in a life-or-death struggle to survive, without at least one of them acting like a complete jerk and causing trouble for everyone else? I guess writers think we would be bored unless they introduced some "conflict," but most of the time, it just feels forced. Besides, the situation itself offers plenty of opportunities for danger and suspense.

So overall, the time watching the film was worthwhile. The acting was ok, and most of the characters were likable. I didn't feel a need for more action, so the pace was fine. It was hardly a masterpiece, as some of the 10/10 reviewers would have you think, but I've seen a lot worse. This was not as bad as some people thought it was.
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