Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Better than STD, but not Star Trek
28 February 2020
Trump and Brexit have broken writers it seems. No matter the franchise given to them, they have to inject their politics. Even if it means altering a whole setting like Trek from hopeful to depressing. A nova destroyed the whole Romulan Empire? A magic trick so they can inject a galaxy wide migrant crisis into the show. The federation is suddenly xenophobic? Done so the liberal writer (#notmypresident) can feel at home. Star Trek, another franchise sacrificed on the altars of woke and TDS.

I've stopped watching the casino planet episode, 5 I think. 3 Stars is generous and my rating isn't lower to show that this isn't as bad as STD, but that's the only positive thing I can say about this trainwreck.

Star Trek is dead, just as Star Wars. What franchise will they destroy next?
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