The Crystalline Entity: Part II
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In "Silicon Avatar" an older scientist who has spent her life researching the crystalline entity comes aboard the Enterprise to study it after Riker, Geordi, Data, and Crusher encounter it on an away mission. But this scientist's interest turns out not to be purely academic when the crew learns her son was killed by the entity. Her vendetta against the being soon becomes apparent when she devices ways of killing it.

The ending of this one kind of ruins it for me. It's apparent what her plan is a million miles away, yet no one does anything to stop her. Picard is too intelligent to just let this lady trick him into killing it. It's a bit ridiculous. Troi should also know what's in the works just by her emotions. Data should come up with the hypothesis that the scientist will kill it. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.
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