Gunsmoke: Who Lives by the Sword (1957)
Season 2, Episode 34
Don't Mess With Marshall Dillon
6 March 2020
One of the more unusual episodes in the entire run of Gunsmoke. It's really a physicalogical study of a hardened gun fighter. A known gun slinger comes into town and immediately gets a couple of young cow hands to draw on him. He kills them easily ( self defense because they drew first). Matt, who probably could have killed the gun man with his gun, instead decides to take off his gun belt and use his fists. We really don't see the beating but it's bad enough to keep the gun fighter bed ridden for a week or so. The rest of the show is the guy trying to recover mentally from the beating. He lost all self confidence and turned from a cold blooded killer to a scared little man. Really interesting watch complete with some Twilight Zone music
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