Review of Sacrilege

Sacrilege (2020)
Do It Yourself Kit badly assembled.
9 March 2020
I don't know if there's a book called Horror Films for Dummies, but if there is, it would contain a list of typical ingredients for such a production: Bunch of friends; Isolated location; Creepy locals; Lack of phone signal (a necessary 21st century addition); Blurred lines between reality and illusion; Gruesome deaths; Contrived ending.

This film - which sort of aims to be Friday 13th meets The Wicker Man - contains all of the above. The result, however, is distinctly less than the sum of its parts.

As far as I can make out, everyone involved - writer, director, producer, cast - are new in the business. And it shows. The cast do their best with the strictly limited material they've been given, but the writing and the direction let them down terribly. The McGuffin ending is particularly unsatisfying.

I hope that those involved go on to better things - and manage to forget this amateurish effort.
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