The pinhead you ordered from wish.com
10 March 2020
This is such B grade garbage. It's the worst of all the hellraiser movies, and actually does not even deserve to have hell raiser in the title, it's a complete pile of crap. The wish pinhead is laughable. I can't believe how bad he is, it looks like something from a parody movie, it was brave of the actor playing him to give it a go. The shaky cam cliche angle they took with the majority of the pin head scenes was lame. I wish I did. It see this, please if you're reading this before seeing the movie, don't - unless you have an hour to Kill. Yep, it's an hour and 12 minutes long, I mean the other sequels were at least an hour 25 or 30, and actually seem like masterpieces compared to this.

Just a garbage cash grab, although I don't think it would have made much cash.

Watch at your own risk
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