Midsomer Murders: The Miniature Murders (2019)
Season 21, Episode 2
Nothing miniature about this episode
10 March 2020
Meant in a good way and in a "witty" reference to the title to indicate that the episode is not a disappointment. Of the recently aired recent 'Midsomer Murders', "Till Death Do Us Part" was surprisingly good (considering that the John Barnaby era has been very hit and miss) but "Send in the Clowns" and "The Point of Balance" were disappointments, great use of their settings and Fleur has been a real high point but nothing special mysteries and very underwhelming denouements being things in common.

"The Miniature Murders" was also surprisingly good. The setting is almost as elaborate as the previous three episodes, but the mystery while not perfect is more engaging and the ending is the best of the four by far and one of the better ones in a long time. It is not 'Midsomer Murders' at its best, not in the same way as the best of Seasons 1-9, but it is a long way from being a lesser episode of the whole show and is not even among the worst of the John Barnaby era.

Could it have been better sure? Yes. Do agree that the circumstance that played a part in the murders to happen could have gone into much more depth. It is introduced briefly then neglected in almost throwaway fashion for too much of the episode, before the viewer being reminded of it out of the blue. There are agreed too moments of premature over-obviousness, especially in the case of a couple of suspects.

Will agree as well that Jemima was a strange character and was more a distracting irritant that didn't gel with everything else rather than interesting. Winter has been pretty bland this season and this was no exception, not as badly as "The Point of Balance".

A shame because the rest of the characters do engage and their conflicts are believable and not too over-familiar. There are plenty of suspects here, without feeling too many, and just as many motivations, that don't convolute the story or come over as silly or trivial. The mystery is not a mundane one and has enough twists and turns to satisfy. The ending is the best one of 'Midsomer Murders' in some time, it is still a bit rushed (the explanation could have done with a few minutes more) and the motive is a fairly ordinary one. At least though the perpetrator was not obvious and was plausible, the overall denouement made sense and wasn't silly, it didn't feel as last minute as others and the motive was not trivial.

It's not just the case that's good. Fleur is still an absolute pleasure to watch, just love her humour which meshes very well with everything else and is actually funny (personally didn't think it overdone). One of the best things to happen to 'Midsomer Murders' in a while and really brightens it up to stop it from taking itself too seriously. After one of the show's better denouements, we are also treated to a coda where Fleur has one of her shining moments where we see in action what one of her hobbies is.

Like every episode, "The Miniature Murders" is beautifully shot and the scenery is picturesque while also having atmosphere in the darker moments. The music is as haunting as ever, the title theme unforgettable. It's a thoughtfully scripted episode and the acting is strong. Neil Dudgeon has grown as Barnaby as has his chemistry with Fiona Dolman, and it was great to see Clare Holman again. Annette Badland shines most though. The miniature setting is put to good use and the murders being well staged.

Overall, good. 'Midsomer Murders' has done better but it's been a lot worse too. 7/10
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