For the Cheech & Chong crowd. Period.
13 March 2020
This movie clearly appeals to a certain demographic - and from reading the wildly differing reviews, it's clearly misunderstood by people who should not have walked into the cinema to begin with. There's a way to offer differing opinions without being morally insulting to the creators or to those who appreciate it, though. Simply put, Seth Rogen and this particular troupe of actors have a very specific "green" following. This movie was never meant to appeal to everyone. It's unabashedly for a crowd that indulges in some of that organic greenery beforehand. If you've seen any of their previous movies, then you know that going in. If you haven't, well, then you made an unfortunate mistake. One doesn't walk into a Cheech & Chong movie and then complain about the amount of marijuana without sounding a tad naïve.

To begin with, this is a social commentary on the drugs and debauchery and vanity of Hollywood - and the self-centered actors who probably feel largely invincible most of the time. To criticize the movie for satirizing these things only proves that one don't understand satirical comedy. In fairness, yes, the jokes are likely only going to land with an audience that is just as stoned or drunk as the people on screen, and that's because the plot is written like a bad trip. That's the whole point! What makes a good movie is being able to take your audience along for the ride. And in this case (as with many others) Rogen knows that there are millions upon millions of people out there who like to watch movies (his and others) stoned. Being high for this is like being a rollercoaster drop that never ends. It's insanity as soon as the action starts unfolding. The inebriated audience feels just as lost and panicked as the cast while it's happening - and that's what makes it great, while you're going through it with them.

The plotlines are surely the reactions of people who have lived a largely vapid existence and do way too much partying to really know how to deal with what's happening. But that doesn't make the creators or the audience members who appreciate it lesser human beings. Some of the backlash has a very conservative and judgmental undertone, which is totally unwarranted and unfair. To each their own, I say. But at least give credit where credit is due. Some of the most influential geniuses and prolific artists/creators in history (if not all of them) indulged in various vices and you're kidding yourself if you believe otherwise. That's not to say that I'm calling Rogen and company geniuses, or that this movie is a historical classic... but I'm not entirely ruling out that making fun of themselves for the debauched people they are isn't also worthy of some respect and admiration. They managed to give their pot-smoking audience a really great trip, knowing they'd be totally high going into this. They took us on a ride along with the cast, in a sense making it interactive because the cast was as stoned as we were.

They movie doesn't tell you to get high first. That would be unethical. But it's implied when you see who's in it and who made it. You don't have to be high to watch it... but you definitely understand the intensity and the mind-numbingly awkward conversations if you are.

All in all, the bad reviews seem more about general discomfort with the subject matter than an actual critiquing of the story or the plot - and that can be whittled down to an unprepared audience member walking into a movie they had no business seeing if they hadn't smoked a joint first. It's probably safe to say that if you like your greenery when you watch a movie, then you'll probably enjoy this experience. If you're sober, it's not really meant for you. This is not Frozen. This is an audience tripping out to a cast who are themselves tripping out at the end of the world. Maybe there is something genius in that.
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