Fantastic and educational
14 March 2020
I was looking for the next David Letterman show but what I got was so much more. Most of the guest are very informative and have taught me a lot, causing my to buy their books or whatever to learn more about them. The show is surprisingly emotional and might make you cry. People share their lives and the obstacles they've overcome with a positive message of how to help others. I didn't expect this and was pleasantly surprised.

Letterman is such a good interviewer, he lets the guest talk and doesn't interrupt them to share his own story or thoughts like Conan.

I really liked the people I didn't know anything about because I learned so much. The only bad one is Kayne. I like or liked him, I'm still not sure. But during the interview he is... well Kayne. He doesn't talk to David but instead the audience. And he doesn't really engage with a conversation. He has really lost his grip on reality and is lost in his celebrity world. He thinks his art can change the world and has lost sight of reality.

The Obama episode was great. Kinda bad to watch now in 2020 because it reminds me of how presidents should be. And how good we used to have it. I took this great man for granted at the time. I knew he was special but I didn't appreciate him how I should have. They're all really good and fascinating people. Tiffany Haddish was amazing and I had no idea who she was.

Thanks Dave for another great show.
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