Dirty Money: Slumlord Millionaire (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
and now for the rest of the story...
14 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Update: What's not mentioned is that his company received a loan of 850 million dollars from the fed to buy these apartments (propublica article) even though kushner is a major player in this company and he works as special advisor to trump. And that was last year. Who knows how much PPP money they received. But, who's the guilty party here? Kushner, or local govt that can't protect renters. The fed that makes us look like a third world country or all of us who do nothing and let it happen and keep electing the same bozos to office year after year. It's certainly not this documentary. It's just another voice in the wind, like this review.

--------------- I have no doubt that a lot of this story is true. Although they interview a couple of individuals who have nothing but good things to say about kushner, I have no doubt that there is ineptness and corruption from the top. And why media influencers have never pounced on kushner's background and activities, and why there are so many ignorant people in the US is a complete mystery to me. I know the show has a limited timeframe but who is really responsible for the tenant/landlord issues? Why isn't there better enforcement and and why aren't the courts protecting the tenants better. Take for instance the woman who was sued years after she broke her lease. Okay, so she was sued but the story never questioned why she was held to a judgement. It never examined the legal system and the producers never questioned the judge's orders. The show never examines why it was difficult to get kushner's company fined and what that even means they were fined. I see this all the time where I live. The system is imbalanced and nothing is done about it because the foxes rule the chicken coop. There's no transparency to the system, and no scrutiny by the media. It's much easier to tell the story of evil corp and the forces of good. And I say, no, you can't do this and call this show 'journalism' and 'balanced'. Tell the whole story or don't tell the story at all.

No, it's not a minor point. What happened to this woman could happen to anyone and the fact that the lawyers and courts got away with it without any scrutiny means it will continue to happen. And so, I have to give this show failing marks for just glossing over details for the sake of telling a good story. It's like a guy I knew once that started a business and was very successful and then out of the blue he was sued by a lawyer who wasn't even a customer. The lawyer sued his company for taking credit card details, which is now unlawful unless you can prove the information is protected. Okay, so my friend was at fault but the lawyer who sued him wasn't a customer and had no actual damages. This lawyer created a boutique law firm suing every company he could find that took credit cards directly rather than thru a payment company like paypal. That's why there are so many payment companies now in the US. As usual, the business owner settled because the cost of defending a law suit would have bankrupted his business. And so, lawyers like this one move on and do it to someone else. And they get away with it because there is no transparency in the system and no scrutiny by the media. So no, I won't accept that it's okay to gloss over important details just to be entertaining.
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