Highlander: The Samurai (1994)
Season 3, Episode 1
Richly told story of Duncan's time in Japan in the past. We find out how Duncan got his katana, tho it's not consistent with the season one version.
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Duncan made a promise centuries ago in 1778 Japan, to help descendants of a man, Hideo Koto, should they ever need it. Now a descendant, Midori, reaches out to him for help.

How did Midori find Duncan so easily? In 'The Prodigal Son,' Hyde had to get Richie to lead him to Duncan. Maybe she looked him up in the phone book as I wrote in the review for that episode.

Midori must be the perfect example of a double as Mac mentioned in 'Counterfeit 2,' when he said he's seen doubles before.

It's hard to put my finger on what Michael Kent is. He doesn't exactly seem evil. But sees Midori as his possession. He has a shallow appreciation for her looks without bothering to look deeper. Reminds me of Gabriel Piton in 'Eye of the Beholder.' He's like a domestic abuser, but not hitting, more like emotional abuse.

The best part of the episode is the flashbacks. We learn here that this is how Duncan got his katana. Unfortunately, this isn't consistent with season one episodes which say he got it from Connor. Hideo taught Duncan how to fight with a sword and some martial arts. Robert Ito, who plays Hideo, gave the role such a gravitas performance. Bravo. He has a profound affect on Duncan that resonates right into the present day.

Loved the humorous parts with young Duncan in the bath. Maia: "Wash outside tub, soak inside. It is Japanese custom." Duncan: "Well, this is a Scottish body, and it can wash itself."

Duncan helps Midori. I wonder what Midori thought? Holy cow these two guys are actually gonna have a sword fight to the death? That would have been any reasonable person's thought. But any reaction or objection is kind of swept under the rug.

Duncan and Kent's fight remind me again of 'Eye of the Beholder.' There, Gabriel and Duncan fought each other, moving slowly with similar posturing as if though they were both trained the same way. Here we have that same exact thing

Altogether a well rounded out richly told story. I gave this episode a 9/10
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