Islam: The Untold Story (2012 TV Movie)
Mr Tom Holland should have read the complete Quran
16 March 2020
Mr Tom Holland should have read the complete Quran instead of reading selective verses, that too quoted out of context. There are multiple references of the incidents in Quran related to the lives of people living in Mecca, Madina and the surroundings in those times.. like Surah Quraish, Surah Lahab / Masad, Surah Muhammad, Surah Fil etc among others. He also needs to do some research on the circumstances in which these Quranic Surah and Ayats were revealed; surely he will get the answers if he relates them

He has also completely ignored the other city i.e Madina where the other part of Quran was revealed. Mr Holland has asked very simple and innocent questions which can only be asked by a person with very basic knowledge about Islam.. that too by a critic and not a real researcher or historian. I would only recommend him and his likes to READ (the first word of Quran which was revealed on Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H) more

One more thing to make things clear and easy for him.. Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H did not bring a new religion. He followed and preached the religion of Prophet Ibrahim A.S and Prophet Moses A.S and Prophet Jesus A.S and all other Prophets of Allah starting from first Prophet Adam A.S. the father of all human beings. The God has sent all prophets to preach the same religion and belief that God is One and when humans went astray he kept sending prophets to guide people to the right path. Muhammad P.B.U.H was the last one is that sequence. Quran was revealed on him through the angel for all the human beings (not just the Arabs) that's why Allah often referred to everyone in many Ayats. If you see the broader context then you need not the search for the alternative city of Mecca and waste resources and energy on such documentaries

May Allah guide us all
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