The Furies (2019)
Some strong gore but lacking in advancement of plot
16 March 2020
IMDb estimates the budget for this film was $25,000,000. I'm not sure I can imagine that being the case. This felt like a very low-budget film to me. I've always said it's fine to have a low budget, it just means you have to be more creative and smarter with your writing. Christopher Nolan's early work for example had a far smaller budget than what he is working with now, and yet those early films were far superior to what he's currently producing because he was forced to make his script immaculately smart. So was this film able to be smart enough to overcome a low budget? Not quite.

I'm actually a big fan of Australian horror movies. They've made some really good ones over the years and so I'm always willing to give them a chance. They're a big fan of gore the Australians and this film has it in abundance. One of the opening kills in this film is particularly brutal to watch, and it isn't just a flashing moment, it holds the camera on it and makes you watch it for an uncomfortably long time. I would say the gore throughout the movie is strongest element this movie has going for it.

The problem with 'The Furies' is that it gets stuck in neutral for far too long. The film begins with a mildly interesting premise, but an hour later it feels like very little has advanced and we are still in the same situation. Little additions crop up here and there, and there's the odd decent surprising moment, but they are too few and far between. The ending mixes things up a bit and feels very refreshing because it's what the audience has been needing to see for the last 80 minutes. 'The Furies' is a decent effort, but nothing more.
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