Martin Luther (1953)
Martin Luther
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie illustrates the life of the well-known German theologist Martin Luther, from serving in Augustinian Church to finally becoming one of the most influential religious people in Europe. The movie was released in 1953, and consequently, it would be inappropriate to describe the cinematography level of the film. However, the film contains significant informative dialogues that fully demonstrates the tension in the world of Christianity in Europe at that time, and the music added by beating drums completed by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra increases the pressure in atmosphere. Considering about the biasness, the movie was recorded in association with Lutheran Church Productions, which demonstrates that the film cannot be considered as reliable source of information about the Christianity of Europe at that time. In addition to this, the movie determines the entire Roman Catholic Church as greedy and arrogant, illustrating them as those, who completely neglects their true faith of Jesus Christ. On contrary, main character was shown as the Robin Hood of the world of Christian religion, as a hero, an ordinary priest of the Church and a University Professor, who came out against Roman Catholicism, against the Pope and the Emperor himself, as a man who knows what true faith is, putting him on almost the same level with prophets. Although Martin Luther played a major role in the schism from Roman Catholicism, it was not only religion lead to separation, but also money, power and politics stayed behind.

Referring to the film, Martin Luther commences to lose faith in the Catholic Church after a trip to Rome. The story about sacred relics, such as the cross of St. Peter, one of the thirty silver crosses, or Pontius Pilate steps, that give the soul liberation for 17000, 14000 and 9 years in turn from the flames of hell torment lead to confuse in Luther's face. The main action of this part begins with the disorderly sale of indulgences by Pope Leo, granting the right of absolution from sins, in order to gain money for construction of the Saint Peter's Cathedral. Strong emotional pressure was shown from the preacher Johann Tetzel, who assured that only a couple of silver coins cost the salvation of your mother from the fires of hell, and even drunks did not need confession anymore, due to indulgence. "You cannot buy the mercy of God" was claimed by Martin Luthor to ordinary crowd. Luther had written ninety-five theses, criticizing the dogmas of the Catholic Church, while for the rest, it was a problem that concerned more humanism than religion, meaning that with having money, sins are not terrible anymore. Probably, Luthor used the poverty of the main crowd as the weapon against the indulgence of Pope. Buying indulgence lead to the well-known eternal difference between rich and poor: after all, the rich could afford to sin and redeem themselves with money, while the poor do not have such a strong privilege. The poor citizens who have no money are more likely to follow the ideas and doctrines of Luther, who criticizes indulgences given by Pope Leo. Consequently, there is more financial situation and moral contradictions rather than proper aspects of religion stayed behind.

After publishing ninety-five theses, the Pope declares Martin Luther as a heretic and all the supporters of the Catholic Church become a threat to Luther. After the trial, the Emperor also declares that Luthor is under the Emperor's curse and that he is an outlaw: anyone has the right to hunt, capture or even kill him. But thanks to Duke Frederick of Saxony, Luther was "kidnapped" and was placed in a secure castle. Eventually, many other Dukes, princes, noble lords and other high-ranking individuals began to support Martin Luther, which marked a separation in Christianity and in the structure of the Empire itself. However, can religion be considered as a merit in this? Did the lords support Martin Luther due to their strong faith and deep believe in his ideas? The Pope of Rome had an unlimited power and his authority was advanced even than that of the Emperor himself. He decided the political situation in Catholic countries, and all the lords, including the Emperor were his subjects. The renunciation of Roman Catholicism indicated for the lords as a gain of relative freedom. Luther's idea to withdraw the Catholic Church's power in the German territories was ideal for the noble lords who sought to concentrate in their hands not only secular, but also spiritual power, as well as to obtain an appropriate rich monastic possessions since Luther strongly criticized the luxury in religion. As a result, it can be determined that most of the lords possibly supported Martin Luthor due to their own motives more willingly than because of religious believe in his doctrines.

In conclusion, we can express Martin Luther as the main initiator of the Reformation in Europe, who rejected Roman Catholic Church, which departed from the original Christian principles as a result of numerous layers. According to Max Weber, Martin Luthor's Lutheranism was not only the reason of Reformation, but also defined the birth of capitalism in Europe. There is no hesitation that Martin Luther had significantly strong influence from a religious perspective over Europe, nevertheless, separation from Roman Catholicism was caused not only because of religion, but other features in terms of money, gaining political power or moral contradictions.
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