"You will pay, for I shall be back. I'll be back!"
23 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow that summary line spoken by Alaric de Marnac (Paul Naschy) doesn't quite carry the resonance that it had when uttered by Arnold in "The Terminator". Nor unfortunately does the story, which when all is said and done, seemed like a good excuse to put a host of good looking women in short skirts, flimsy nightgowns and skimpy underwear. You probably wouldn't expect that from a title like "Horror Rises From the Tomb" but it's there alright. The aforementioned Alaric opens the story in the Fifteenth Century by casting a curse on the descendants of authorities putting him to death for witchcraft, and it's a quick jump to the Seventies that finds his severed head reunited with his body to exact his revenge. This might not have been too bad if done effectively, but the film suffers from poor editing with one disjointed scene after another challenging story continuity. As a result, movies like this always seem much longer than their actual run time because of the patience required to sit through them. Why do I do it? Well, as I write this, the country is in the grip of the corona virus outbreak, and with no cable or local library access, I'm delving into pictures that are part of video collections that I've avoided in the past. If there's a time and a place for everything, I guess this is it. I can't believe how many more clunkers there are in the stack I'm looking at.
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