Immaculately shot with a surreal atmosphere
25 March 2020
Four young people rent a house in the middle of nowhere. As it happens this is a recipe for disaster. Haunted by the problems they tried, but never managed, to leave behind, their turbulent lives may be In danger as an unexpected guest knocks at their door... Home invasion movies all have the same structure, but it doesn't make them less popular. HELL IS WHERE THE HOME IS appreciated style above the intrigue, but the way the story is laid out is hardly predictable. The director Orson Oblovitz seem to enjoy playing with highly damaged, slightly despicable characters, where the grief is mixed with betrayal, and a stressful situations make the worst of emotions surface.

Immaculately shot, and dialling up the gore when it matters, the movie creates a surreal atmosphere where terror comes for no apparent reason and this is the strongest find of the film. When the explanation comes, it is highly irrelevant, for it is clear - the movie's primary concern is to shock. Shock is what it delivers in spades.

For a predictable horror where young people are stuck in an isolated place with a couple of maniacs on the loose HELL IS WHERE THE HOME IS, is actually very intense. Add a spooky score and a slick photography, and you get a film you can recommend to your friends and maybe watch again. Not cult movie material, but in the age of indie horror HELL IS WHERE THE HOME IS, is a rare gem!
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