Tall Girl (2019)
Netflix Movie: Tall Girl (2019)- Review by Divyam Saran
28 March 2020
I recently saw the movie, Tall Girl (2019), which is a Netflix rom-com movie. I came to know about this film because it is produced by one of my favourite producers McG who has earlier made films like Charlie's Angels, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle and Terminator Salvation. The movie is a good treat for the teens and college-going class. The film begins with Jodi Kreyman (Ava Michelle), who due to her abnormal height is not able to involve in any sort of relationship with her college mates. Though her role is quite serious, there are moments with a lighter note too. Paris Berelic plays the role of Liz who is Jodi's best friend and serves as a source of constant motivation for her. Sabrina Carpenter plays the role of Jodi's sister and an aspiring model. Griffin Gluck plays the role of Dunkleman who is Jodi's childhood friend and is in love with her. The events of the film take a drastic turn when the second main protagonist, Stig Mohlin (Luke Eisner), a foreign exchange student enter Jodi's college. I would like to mention that the cast does not disappoint us but I still consider it to be a very ordinary project. The storyline too is very ordinary while the screenplay and direction are fine. The matter of the fact is that the movie holds you till the end and does not bore you. If I summarize in two lines, I would say, Tall Girl, is not a movie with depth. It has nothing new or fresh to bring to the genre. I would give this film an average rating of 6 stars and would advise that if you have free time this weekend then give this movie a one-time watch.
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