Cops Like Us (2020)
So Angry...
30 March 2020
Defended the bailing out of banks in '08 or voted for tax cuts, again and again? This is what you've done, take the credit, you deserve it. Falling police numbers, rising crime, local government services slashed beyond any practical use result in the daily grind that is forcing good coppers out of the job because they just can't cope anymore. They can earn more for a lot less stress and decent hours, they can see their kids again, every day, so why bother in such a thankless job? We see serious crime with not enough officers to do a decent job of sorting it out to the daily, petty family squabbles that tie up valuable resources. We see the police trying to talk people out of suicide because the mental health services just aren't there anymore. What we really see is how selfish and uncaring the great British public have become. 'Austerity? It doesn't affect me, I'm going with my family to Spain this year'. The greatest robbery we saw in our lifetime was the bank bailout, $trillions world wide without a single charge being brought. Some of the instigators even achieved high office in various western governments, I kid you not. Not an investigation, warrant or charge in sight. Ronnie Biggs would be proud of such a perfect caper, the score of the century.

What we're given is a no holds barred, honest and sometimes emotional reality check of what it means on the front line. The police aren't political creatures, the British Bobby is famously reserved. But now, finally, they're speaking out. Something has to change. I was left without any doubt about the dedication of the average copper and what motivates them. And it made me so angry. How could this happen? Uncaring, selfish people, social deprivation not seen since the 1930's and rich, bubble wrapped politicians (probably blaming immigration), that's how.

Staffordshire is an average county, not that rich, not that poor compared to some. But the last ten years have taken their toll. Once thriving business' closed or moved to China (because the share holders don't live in Stoke) have had a devastating effect on the local economy. Of course crime was going to rise as a result, but then the perfect storm was created by cutting front line policing by half at the same time. There are some very candid moments and what can only be called honest assessments by those that know more than most because they deal with it every day. They should be heeded. But they're not. Shame on us.

There's a review on here that called this show 'propaganda', really? Wait til you're mugged or burgled. But don't you dare get angry that it took the cops 2 days to come and take your statement and tell you that there's only a 5% chance of solving the crime. I have no doubt about which way you vote. You did this, not the cops.
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