The 100 (2014–2020)
Can you say MASSIVE teenage Christ complex??
30 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rating it a 6 instead of a 4 only because the first 2 seasons were somewhat decent, albeit the scene of the almost teenage lynching of the mean, bully, yet innocent kid (Murphy) was poorly written, really should have been a warning of the kind of trite I was in for. It begins to decay by the 3rd season and I stopped watching midway through season 4... just gave up, kinda like the writers did (although I got the impression their hearts really weren't in it from the get go)... Most overused expressions in practically every other episode: "I just want to take care of my people" "I'm trying to do whats best for my people" "They are lying" "I know I can do this" "Trust me" "We're going to war" "You're going to get yourself killed" just to name a few (my personal favorite being "I had no choice" sometimes used several times in ONE episode). As the two main characters, Clarke and Bellamy both suffer from Christ complex to the point of being insufferable. The female lead, Clarke, who runs head first into EVERY situation and we get to suffer through her angst about how to fix things when she misreads the situation, blowing it way out of proportion, until she hits on several solutions that don't work before her epiphany, which only works for a little while until she again misreads the situation, blowing it out of proportion (you get the meaning.. wash, rinse, repeat)... Then we have the male lead, Bellamy, who's emotional state only has 2 modes, overly aggressive then doing a hard 180 into overly contrite. There is NO middle ground. Over the 4 1/2 season's I watched, there was NO character growth with these two, I'm talking no learning from their mistakes, just keep repeating them over and over like a broken record with the beloved line "I had no choice". Then there's the bit players: 1) Bellamy's sister Octavia, a bad-ass wanna-be who stayed hidden most of her life and runs wild once on Earth (nice character growth development on her in the beginning but then the writers didn't really know what to do with her and she became a generic bad-ass), 2) Raven, the stereotypical female bad-ass who's also a conceited mechanic that, by mid 2nd season, I regularly 10-seconded through until her scene's were over, 3) John Murphy as the brooding, ostracized bully whom I felt was one of the better played characters, 4) Jasper the shy, geeky male bad-ass wanna-be who also got regularly 10-seconded because he got on my last nerve by the end of the second season, and 5) Monty, Jasper's supportive and understanding, forgiving punching bag of a bbf ( I began to enjoy him once he stopped being Jasper's door mat) Yep, the young en's run the show which wouldn't be so bad if there were NO adults around (that would explain the continuity of continued stupidity and vapidness) instead of the 3 major adults characters they have, who come off as not only incompetent but also self-centered clueless buffoons. They like to hold Clarke and Bellamy somewhat on a pedestal reminding us what REAL leaders they are, so brave and resourceful... I thought about reading the books but after watching this, decided to pass...
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