Not at all worth it - esp the show presenters
1 April 2020
I was expecting to get a good take away message and to learn some human skills. But the series, as per Season 1, is total disaster. There are some interesting social experiments done and telecast and the way some of them done are quite fascinating, but the majority of them are just a waste of your time being spent watching it. Some of the experiments, you know the answer a;ready by yourself but it is always good to be proved. The thing what made me lose my interest are the three main cast who are the show presenters. I still don't know why they wear a lab coat all the time, if it were to differentiate themselves from the samples (humans), then they could have worn a different color dress are the samples are all black. I also do appreciate the way they treat their samples which are humans, they make even the elderly people (60+) to wake in lines crossing each other just for showing the viewers are creative display.
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