trial for war crimes
2 April 2020
None Shall Escape... a look back at stories from Germany during WW II, and those who need to by punished for their deeds during that time. Wilhelm Grimm is called to the stand, to defend his actions. Co-stars Henry Travers (Clarence, from Wonderful Life !) as Reverand Wareski, who is witness for the prosecution, from poland. but the real star of much of the action is the Wilhelm's nephew Will. under Wilhelm's teaching, he has become the perfect model german soldier. actor Erik Rolfe appears to have died young at 45, although the cause of death isn't explained anywhere. The film was made in 1944, so the war was still going on, which explains the over-the-top acting and extra strong patriotic commentary. it also shows that contrary to popular belief, they DID know as early as 1944 what was occurring to those people rounded up, or at least some of the atrocities. and even more interesting is that nazi soldiers would be held accountable in a trial. Directed by Andre DeToth. was nominated for Gunfighter, with Gregory Peck. it's pretty good. kind of serves as a how-to on putting those accused of war crimes on trial.
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