The Bible vs. Joseph Smith (2010 TV Movie)
And You'll Be Free Indeed!
5 April 2020
The two nasty comments are clearly from Mormons, which is sad & distressing! But Jesus said this would happen...& you can lead ppl to the Truth but you can't make them accept it!

I've cut all ties with denominations/religion! Esp upon seeing the First Beast bring all religions together saying we all worship the same god! Ugh! As I get better acquainted with the Bible, both Old & New Testaments, more is being revealed that wasn't all the times I read the same Scriptures before. God is SO Good! It's been wonderful, but unnerving at the same time because A Lot of ppl will say, "Lord, Lord" & it's a sad thought. Ppl's puffed up pride and worldly love for man & tradition is sentencing them to hell & it doesn't need to be that way!

The Scriptures warn us of everything to watch for to know if someone is of God or just an ear tickler. Frankly, IMO, it's more easy now to identify the false teachers & the religions of men than it ever has been before!

I found the Doc to be simple and concise. No fancy fillers; no competition of "my belief is better than yours"...& you backed up every single point with fact & Scripture! If that man stayed in that Cult (again, my opinion) even AFTER you showed him the Truth, By God's Grace, His Blood Will Not Be On Your Hands!

Thank you for your doc. I'm glad it's one I stumbled upon in my search for learning about all denominations & what their beliefs are. Jesus wasn't lying about "few would enter" & Matthew 7:6-9 is spot on~Isaiah spoke EXACT TRUTH! In fact, the two pro-B.o.M. comments proves Isaiah's words to a T! They're most likely in "church" every week & on bicycles in between in their supposed following of God, yet the god they're spreading is a false god.

If what you're being taught doesn't line up with the Bible, RUN! Men's hearts are no less wicked than when the Flood came & they will absolutely play the deity & lead you straight to your slaughter!

I Pray That More Ppl Than Not Find Their Way To Jesus & We All Reign Together For Eternity In The Presence Of The LORD! God Bless!
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