Weston Family Values
7 April 2020
In this Gourmet Detective Mystery Dylan Neal is catering a party with an 18th century motif and his new friend Detective Brooke Burns is along as a date. Good thing to when a homicide occurs.

But what a homicide. Back in the times depicted a publishing dynasty started when ownership was decided over a duel. So the duel is re-enacted by stepbrothers. Only one of the guns has a real bullet and one of the duelists dies.

The suspects start with the family patriarch and the three surviving offspring. The father had a son and daughter by his first marriage and on' his second marriage he adopts the second wife's son and daughter from her previous marriage. It really sounds like a recipe for one of those nighttime soap operas from the 80s.

With 3 surviving kids to start and various romantic and business associates you have a healthy mix of suspects.

Bruce Boxleitner makes an appearance as Neal's retired detective father. These two have a strained relationship, but progress is made in repairing it a bit.

Good story and frankly I didn't pick the right perpetrator.
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