Exceptional drama, high production value, a character you'll root for.
9 April 2020
An exceptional period drama set in Golden Era Hollywood where an African America seeks to make it in showbiz, but the odds against him are anything but golden. The film is an insightful, accurate depiction of the culture and a fair indictment on the tyranny/racism of the film industry of that era. The film's protagonist, Archie Glass, is a dreamer and idealist, choosing not to wallow in victim-mentality, and endears himself to us, as he seeks to overcome the hurdles in his way with pro-activeness and dignity (mostly). Like the movies he yearns to be in, the adventure he finds himself in becomes larger than life with characters that are colourful and morally-questionable. Ultimately, his choices are a road to self-discovery and acceptance, and a declaration of authenticity and integrity. For an indie film, this film deserves high marks for it's production design and overall delivery. The acting is superb. And I really enjoyed the music!
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