Doctor Who: The Family of Blood (2007)
Season 3, Episode 9
10 April 2020
Paul Cornell's "Human Nature" & "The Family of Blood" in Season 3 is a lot like Series 2's "The Impossible Planet" / "Satan Pit" - in the way that it's hard to review as there's not much to say about it which hasn't already been said.

They're both extraordinary two-parters & Doctor Who at its best & most purest; contemplative, philosophical, introspective analyses of the Doctor's character & beliefs whilst also being dark, observational explorations of humanity.

Other than that brief summary, there's not much else of value for me to add because the stories speak for themselves. They don't require reviews because they're brilliant, regardless of the words I type to praise them.

Furthermore, they're rarities because of their sheer faultlessness - in need of no defense - & thus, I can easily & rather satisfyingly conclude "they're phenomenal" & end it at that... Because they are.
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