Doctor Who: Partners in Crime (2008)
Season 4, Episode 1
12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Partners in Crime is simply ICONIC & I did not stop beaming from start to finish whilst rewatching.

Russell picks up Donna's story from where we last saw her in "The Runaway Bride", beautifully captures the fact that reality doesn't meet our expectations or hopes for life & uses that disappointment with monotonous normality as a a catalyst for her personal desire to truly go travelling with the Doctor, immediately grounding her perceptible motivations in something tangible & relatable - giving a perfect justification for behaving in the way that she does, proving as to why he's so essential in her life, validating her actions whilst also equally depicting the Doctor's self imposed solitude, showing how complicated relationships have led further to his isolation & thus, she is just as much the perfect solution to his current dilemma of loneliness as he is to hers.

Hence, they're the perfect match as both have the same aspirations & a longing for simplicity whilst travelling alongside one another. The dynamic is pure, untainted & without hidden intentions which is why - still to this day - it remains so faultlessly perfect, brilliant & captivating. They're acquaintances - reunited at last after much introspective consideration & development - who've grown & matured since they last met until finally, they can become inseparable friends & it's a joy seeing them finally reach this pivotal moment in their lives.

What's more, Catherine Tate & David Tennant have amazing on screen chemistry together, playing off each other incredibly with such vibrant & infectious energy. Furthermore, their comedy timing is assisted with a brilliantly funny & humorous script gifted to them by Russell T Davies - who delivers one hell of a strong launch in to his fourth & final series - debuting with a very human & wholesome romp that has heart.

Did I also mention the brilliant foreshadowing, world building & THAT plot twist? Like I said, ICONIC.
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