Review of Downrange

Downrange (2017)
12 April 2020
420. Downrange. Similar to being downwind to one of your dad's farts, this is also an assault on the senses. A group of six young people get together for a carpooling experience, driving from one place to another! The trip is pretty normal, young kids talking about popular things like Atari, N'SYNC and how dreamy Steven Tyler is. Then all of a sudden, boom, a flat freakin' tire! The driver sort of pulls over, they get out discuss it in a committee, figure out who actually knows how to change a tire, then break off to let the one dude do it himself, and it's a good thing to or they might've gotten shot as well! Wait, what? As tire changing guy is doing his thing, he discovers a bullet in the tire! And then there's a bullet in his head! It looks like the gang walked into game set up by a madman, not just because he's picking off teenagers with a sniper rifle, he doesn't leave the silencer on to hide his location, dummy. Now the teens are stuck hiding behind the broken down car, getting picked off one by one because they can't sit still. Call for help on your cell phone! C'mon you know the answer to this one, they've travelled sooooo far that there is no longer cell phone service, shucks!! Luckily, one of them is an army brat, she let's us know, and she knows things, which don't help whatsoever but thank you. They should have flown. Filmbufftim on FB.
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