Death Journey (1976)
Midnight Run on a Shoestring Budget
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starting in the mid-1970s, Fred Williamson's began producing/directing his own films for his production company Po' Boy Productions. This film is watchable enough as Williamson plays Jesse Crowder, a loose cannon ex-cop who now works as a private eye. Crowder is assigned to bring overweight mob accountant Finley (Bernard Kuby) from Los Angeles to New York in 48 hours. His former superiors, however, are betting that Crowder can't handle the job, but he's out to prove them wrong.

Unfortunately, from the minute he and Finley leave the city, they are relentlessly pursued by a slew of hit men in a series of car chases, fights, and shootouts, and lots of comic relief from Finley's character. Though the editing drags on in some sequences, it does come off as an enjoyable action flick and Williamson would reprise the Crowder character in future entries.
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