Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Another Feminist lead series, this time in space
13 April 2020
With the increasing number of movies now with large female main characters who exhibit masculine tendencies, i.e. beat down all opposition, is it any wonder that it has bled into the TV series genre. Having read some of the reviews I thought lets give it a look. So I did.

I was disappointed that although the comedy was dry, the characters portrayed follow the classic PC ideologue tendencies. Meaning that all the men are weak or buffoons whilst the women are forthright and don't take bs from anyone. The captain is a joke, the owner Judd is a buffoon,Matt is an idiot and most of the other male characters are weak and limp. Whereas the females are dynamic, i.e Karen, Iris and Lily are written as strong leads.. It amused me that the 'in your face; female passenger was called Karen. Perhaps the writers have been referencing Reddit for the character type.

Having watched 5 episodes I thought enough, it is unlikely to get any better so clicked off. I'm not going to spoil the plot for anyone, but it could have been so much better. Especially if there was at least one strong male character. Alas Hollywood is now so Woke it couldn't happen.
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