Worst acting and horrible plot.
14 April 2020
They claim to have spent a huge budget on production but the cheap CGI and costumes were a huge disappointment.

The actors? Who are these lead actors? The main character Sungur is a horrible actor. Why did they choose a nobody for this role? Do you know how painful it is to watch bad acting for 2 hours. Everytime this Sungur character was to show emporium it was horribly exaggerated. His crying scenes, when he was using his "sword of justice", when he was giving his speech to the other raiders everytime this face was terrible. Why didn't this producer choose someone with real acting skills?

The girl played by ECE. Where do we start. Another nobody actor. Bad acting skills to match her "costar". Their scenes together didn't move me one moment.

This film maybe could have been saved with actors who have actual acting skills. Instead of these no names with no skills. There is nothing worse than watching a film with bad acting.

Next time spend less money on this production and pay some real actors to star in your film. I can see how only 500,000 people saw this film. I couldn't recommend it to be seen by anyone.
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