Killing Eve: Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Weak first episode
14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the shock ending, the season premiere was not up to the standard that the show has reached in the past.

The opening scene? Weak. Not funny or clever. Villanelle got married? Ok, great, would love to find out how this happened. Do we? No. She leaves her wedding reception and we don't hear from her wife again.

The rest of the episode? Boring. Uninspired. Where has the sharp humour and great writing gone?

The beauty of Killing Eve's first season was its ability to shock, humour and teach us something about the characters within one line. I could feel this lacking in Season 2, and I'm afraid it still seems to be lacking now.

Hopefully it will pick up as we move forward with the plot, but I really think the writing could do with a huge brush up. You can have lush locations and costumes, but if the writing, the blueprint of any production, is not solid, the whole building will be faulty.
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