Tramps (2016)
Tramps like us
14 April 2020
Beautiful, petty-larcenous losers find love on the run. Grace Van Patten as Ellie percolates the atmosphere with her effortless cool (she's cooler than a mint julep) and superb acting. She's a natural thriller that reveals a new layer with every frame she's in. I'm reminded of a young Shailene Woodley, only far prettier and more graceful. Callum Turner provides a perfect foil for Grace/Ellie as Danny. An awkward, stumblebum of sorts, who orbits Ellie, fully enthralled by her, as he should be. Despite their obvious differences, the two do share a strangely sublime chemistry on the screen together. It's always good to see the average dude get the hot chick. Their misadventures are fun to follow. There is even a Casablanca-esque moment (I won't say too much as to not spoil it) that would make old Bogie's heart skip. A progressive romcom that isn't afraid to laugh at itself. The negatives...the dialogue is under-imagined at times and only the two lead characters are memorable.
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