A Perfect 14 (2018)
9 out of 10. Would recommend.
18 April 2020
I found this documentary to be very informative on the subject of media beauty standards. The film does a great job highlighting the unrealistic expectations and ideals that women face day to day from the fashion and commercial world. It's dynamic and engaging. you see the ups and downs of three important models in this industry as well as a exposé on some warped ethics from clothing stores.

These beauty "standards" are NOT normal to the vast majority of the female population. There seems to be a twisted view on what is perfectly healthy and this Documentry brings those issues to light. I'm not usually into these types of topics but this film really opened my eyes on how corporations and designers distort the publics view on womens bodies. NONE of the models bodies indicate they are unhealthy but rather the opposite, they are natural and true. How average women look like.

It's a shame that the media's beauty "standards" poisoned certain peoples perceptions (just take a look in the this review section) and leaves some feeling like they don't deserve to feel beautiful. Everyone should watch this Documentary and maybe we can unlearn the terrible brainwashing of some of these industry giants.
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